Now Open on Mondays

It's Summer Time!

Artworks Studio and Gallery is now open on Mondays from 10 am t0 5 pm.

Latest news from Artworks Gallery

Our newest artist is Brucie. She fabulously decorates wooden boxes, and she also paints! All you have to do is stop by Artworks Gallery on Perdido Key to see all that she and our other fine artists have to offer.

This month's special event 
Friday, May 22 from 4:30 - 7:00 pm

We will be showing work that Talis's students have created during the school year.  
Stop by and enjoy some light refreshments.  We will also be welcoming the latest additions to Artworks: Gove Scrivenor, Brucie Glassell, Casey Williams, Barbara Currier, Donald Marini, and Tracy Gambill.